I've been plagued a lot throughout my pre-Christian and Christian life by doubts about the Bible. I don't know how many who read this will have had the same experience, but if it counts for anything, I've been there, and I still travel through doubting castle from time to time. It can happen at any time: while you're at work, while reading the Bible, or more commonly while talking to lost friends. What do we do when the doubts hit? Are we in sin for that nagging thought in the back of our minds that we could be wrong? I'll let you answer that yourself, but for now let me just share what helps me categorize the doubts themselves so that I can address them accordingly.
There are unreasonable and reasonable doubts. It is my belief that no one can come across the Bible, read through it, learn a bit about its history and assembly, then have a reasonable doubt about its authenticity. No one can come across problem passages within, and after researching it, have a reasonable doubt about its truth. Can there be unreasonable doubts that arise? Yes, of course. Maybe an analogy would help to clarify the two. Say that there was a murder and the accused is on trial. It is reasonable to doubt that the defendant is guilty of a murder if there is no fingerprint evidence on the weapon. It is unreasonable to doubt that the defendant is guilty when there is fingerprint evidence, but the defendant says, "Someone made me hold the gun and pulled my finger on the trigger." Now, is that unreasonable explanation from the defendant at all possible? Yes! But is it reasonable? No, not really at all.
If we categorize our doubts about the Bible the same way, we can better address their nature and then battle them accordingly. Does it appear reasonable? Investigate it a little bit and you'll see how the truth prevails. Does it appear unreasonable? Why are you thinking about it at all? Once examined, I think you will find that any doubt, whether reasonable or unreasonable, will never be confirmed after some research of the Bible. Additionally, any time a Christian leaves the narrow and bright path to travel down these dark ones, they inevitably end up returning to Christ. Why is that? Nothing else can satisfy a believer's heart but truth.
“Lord, to whom else shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life." - John 6:68